
Ephesians, Colossians is unavailable, but you can change that!

It is hard to touch anything in Ephesians without encountering—or creating—a problem. The book of Ephesians has touched off a firestorm of controversy in biblical scholarship—authorship, audience, date, theological emphases, and the like. Walter F. Taylor’s commentary on Ephesians brings order out of the Ephesian chaos. Paul’s letter to the Colossians, however, presents another set of exegetical...

gifts through Christ likewise holds nothing back. What seems more likely, given the overall context of the passage, is that each gift given to believers is in fact measured and therefore limited; it is for that very reason that all the gifts are needed for the proper functioning of the body (vv. 11–16). The word measure also appears in vv. 13 and 16 (in the latter verse it is buried in the English translation). The giving of gifts is supported by the quotation of Ps. 68:18, which is introduced by
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